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Using a scheduler

How to use a scheduler in CyberWorldReset

Keep in mind that schedulers can be tricky to set up and may not work the way you think! Always try to avoid using ** as the timer may re-initialize and totally shift your regeneration date!

These can be added using the command /cwr edit <world> addTimer <scheduler> or in the worlds.yml configuration.

If you need help setting one up, be sure to reach out to us on Discord or Spigot.


CWR Scheduler 1
  • The date and time specifify when the world will FIRST reset.
  • The interval (optional) is the amount of time between resets AFTER the first reset.
CWR Scheduler 2

Only one type of interval may be included per scheduler.

CWR Scheduler 3

You may use stars (*) in the date and time to represent the specific date/time exactly when the schedulers are initialized. Please keep in mind, every time a scheduler re-initializes, it will once again use the current date/time if using stars (*).

The plugin will initialize schedulers that repeat and that are from a past date- use this to your advantage.

Setting up a world config
Using a scheduler
Custom generators