ALERT: This website is being migrated to Please navigate to the new website for updated information.

Warning: Only versions marked with Latest or Experimental will receive support.

[3485738] 1.5-R13 - Msg and Reply commands - A lot of Bug Fixes and New Features Latest 01-22-2022
[ba70b46] 1.5-R4 - Huge Advancements Fix - Custom DataPacks support! Outdated 01-11-2022
[df3ff40] 1.5-R2 - Added two requests - Advancements Bug Outdated 01-09-2022
[e9fd06c] 1.5-R1 - Added Advancements Messages - Bug Fixes Outdated 01-06-2022
[e9fd06c] 1.4-R9 - Improve File Loading - Bug Fixes Outdated 01-01-2022
[f0fff9f] 1.4-R3 - Huge Chat Format Fix Outdated 12-22-2021
[bb2ed0f] 1.4-R1 - DiscordSRV support. Hover and Click chat format. Gradient and Bold fix Outdated 12-19-2021
[b54ca8a] 1.3-R2 - Little Hotfixes Outdated 12-13-2021
[762e30f] 1.3-R1 - NEW Chat Formatter Outdated 12-07-2021
[6c3ea92] 1.2-R7 - Official 1.18 support - Improvements Outdated 12-03-2021
[7f04e34] 1.2-R3 - Fixed Title and ActionBar not showing correctly Outdated 11-23-2021
[559b035] 1.2-R1 - New MOTD editor. Internal changes and improvements. Outdated 11-21-2021
[46c045f] 1.1-R12 - Improvements for Update Messages -w- Outdated 11-17-2021
[45ab2dd] 1.1-R8 - Fix TabCompletion with "preview" arg for /announcer Outdated 11-16-2021
[3c04cc9] 1.1-R5 - Keep improving this plugin lol Outdated 11-15-2021
[3d9f4ac] 1.1-R1 - New Announcements Feature, thanks to Kihsomray <3 Outdated 11-05-2021
[c9b658e] 1.0-R6 - General improvements. Outdated 10-25-2021
[3a264c8] 1.0-R1 - Massive recode. Still some classes needs improvement. Outdated 10-22-2021